How to connect your Custom Counter to Typeform using Zapier integration?
If you need to create an integration between Zapier and Typeform for your Smiirl Custom Counter, this article is for you :)
- To start, please open the Zapier website. Log in with your preferred method, or click ‘Sign up’ to create a new account.
- Once you’re logged in, please click ‘Create’ → Zaps
- Then, click on ‘Trigger’ and add ‘Typeform.’
- For Smiirl, Zapier proposes only one option for the trigger - ‘New Entry.’ This configures the Counter to react when a new person submits a new form.
- Then, please connect your Typeform account by clicking ‘Sign in’ if it wasn’t done previously. After that, please click ‘Continue’.
- In the next step, you will have to choose the form you would like to act as a trigger for the Counter. Please click on ‘Choose an event’ and select the needed form from the list. For this example, we will proceed with ‘My new form.’ Once you’ve selected the needed form, you can proceed by clicking ‘Continue.’
- After you have configured the trigger, you can test it. Please click ‘Test trigger’ as shown in the screenshot below.
To perform this test, you will need to select the entry from the proposed records.
If the proposed entry meets your expectations for the test, please click ‘Continue with selected record.’
- Next, Zapier will prompt you to select an Action. Please choose Smiirl from the options.
- After you’ve chosen the Action, you will need to select the Action event. In other words, what the Custom Counter will do once there is a new entry on the form. Zapier suggests the following options:
- Add Value
- Decrement Value (-1)
- Increment Value (+1)
- Reset to 0
- Set Value
For this example, we will select ‘Increment Value (+1).’ Then, please log in to your Smiirl account linked to your Custom Counter. After that, please click ‘Continue.’ 10. In the next step, please select the needed Custom Counter. Please note that your Custom Counter should be set to the ‘Push Number’ option on for it to appear in Zapier.
Then, please click ‘Continue.’
- Once the Action is configured, you can proceed to test the step.
- If the results of the performed test meet your expectations, you can click ‘Publish.’
And voila! Your Zap is now on 🙂
If you face any difficulties or need further assistance, you can use Zapier’s Chat Box or reach out to their support team. You can also send us an email at, and we will be glad to assist you :)